There are essentially three forms of church government. In
alphabetical order, they are congregational, episcopal, and presbyterian. In
the congregational system, the authority of the church rests in the local
congregation. The congregation may have elders or deacon, or leaders of some
sort that they give other names to, but the authority ultimately lies with the
congregation. In the episcopal system, the authority of the church lies in the
bishops (episkopoi in Greek). These bishops are ranked in order up to
the archbishop. In the presbyterian system, the authority in the church lies in
the elders (presbuteroi in Greek), but not just at the congregational
level. In that sense, the presbyterian system is more like the episcopal system
than the congregational system. At each higher level, there is what the PCA
calls “review and control” (R&C) of the lower levels. The elders of the
local church have R&C with regard to the congregation. At the presbytery
level, the presbytery exercises R&C over the congregations by means of the
annual review of the records of the sessions of the local churches. This R&C is done
to make sure that everything is being done “decently and in order” (a popular
phrase with Presbyterians).
The GA exercises R&C over the presbyteries by means of
the Committee on Review of Presbytery Records (RAO 16). This committee is made
up of one representative from each presbytery, either and RE or a TE. Once
elected to the committee, the commissioner serves a three-year term. It is the
responsibility of each presbytery to submit its records for annual review by
the Committee on Review of Presbytery Records (RPR). Thus, theoretically, there
are eighty sets of presbytery records and eighty commissioners to review them.
In practice, some presbyteries are negligent about submitting their records,
and some presbyteries are negligent about electing and sending commissioners to
serve on this committee.
This committee works in the following fashion. It meets in
Atlanta approximately a month before GA for approximately three days. Prior to
this meeting, copies of records of two-three presbyteries are sent to the
commissioners to be reviewed before the RPR meeting. At this point, each set of
presbytery records is reviewed by at least two first readers using guidelines
provided by the committee. When the committee meets, the presbytery records are
reviewed again, paying particular attention to anything that the first readers
noted. After all the reviews are reviewed and collated, the committee, as a
committee, decides on recommendations for each presbytery. These
recommendations are submitted to the GA for action.
The work of the RPR can be tedious. But there are at least
three distinct advantages to serving on this committee. First, it gives the
commissioners a real understanding of how the work of the church is being carried
out throughout the denomination. Second, it gives the commissioner an
understanding of what major issues there are in the denomination, and where
those issues are hottest. Third, it gives the commissioner an opportunity to
meet face-to-face with men he would otherwise never meet. Thus, other
presbyteries become more than just names, and the denominational identity takes
on a reality it does not otherwise have.
I encourage men starting out in a presbytery to seek to
serve on the Sessional Records committee, because in doing so they will learn a
great deal about their presbytery. I make the same recommendation regarding
RPR. It’s a great way to learn about your denomination.